Precautions Taken Regarding Place

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, warning not to enter if the main symptoms of COVID-19 are present) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. In order to safely dispose of masks, at least one closed, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' on the pedal should be kept at the entrance and it should be checked at regular intervals and a hand sanitizer/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be present at the entrance/inside in suitable places.
  3. Masks should be provided to those who do not have a mask at the entrance.
  4. Regular cleaning with water and detergent should be provided every day. During cleaning, especially frequently touched surfaces (door handles, telephone handsets, cabinet surfaces, table surfaces, etc.) should be cleaned at least twice a day and disinfected with 1/100 bleach and with 70% alcohol on surfaces where chlorine compounds are not suitable.
  5. Arrangements should be made to maintain social distance (1.5 meters) among personnel and between them and outsiders.
  6. It should be ensured that the environment is ventilated frequently by opening the door-window, and it should be ensured that living room air conditioners and fans are not used.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviors

  1. Staff should be informed about the modes of transmission and prevention measures related to COVID-19.
  2. Personnel should provide hand hygiene with water-soap/alcohol-based hand disinfectant at the beginning/end of the working day and during the day. Visitors should provide hand hygiene with hand antiseptic at the entrance. Care should be taken not to touch surfaces unless absolutely necessary in the workplace and in case of touching them, care should be taken to ensure hand hygiene.
  3. Personnel/visitors must wear masks in accordance with the rule and follow social distance rules.
  4. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.
  5. If a guest is accepted, it should be ensured that the guest stays in the venue as short as possible. It should be noted that guests are not served any food apart from water.
  6. If payment is received, attention should be paid to receiving contactless payments as much as possible. In case of using a contacted pos device, the device should be wiped with 70% alcohol after each use.



Precautions Taken Regarding Place

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, warning not to enter if the main symptoms of COVID-19 are present) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. In order to safely dispose of masks, at least one closed, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' on the pedal should be kept at the entrance and it should be checked at regular intervals and a hand sanitizer/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be present at the entrance/inside in suitable places.
  3. Masks should be provided to those who do not have a mask at the entrance. To achieve this, masks can be sold in canteens / buffets.
  4. The distance between tables and chairs should be 1.5 meters (preferably 2 meters), and if necessary (if the table size is less than 70 cm), diagonal seating should be arranged. If waiting queues are formed, 1 meter safety strips should be placed on the ground and appropriate markings that determine social distance should be made. Especially in student cafeterias, the physical distance should be arranged as the longest possible distance according to the capacity.
  5. Regular cleaning with water and detergent should be provided every day. During cleaning, especially frequently touched surfaces (door handles, telephone handsets, cabinet surfaces, table surfaces, etc.) should be cleaned at least twice a day and disinfected with 1/100 bleach and with 70% alcohol on surfaces where chlorine compounds are not suitable.
  6. Meal times should be determined according to groups in order to make contact follow-up easy, and if possible, it should be suggested that the same people eat at the same table.
  7. Cutlery sets should be presented in disposable packages and knives should be presented in paper pocketed packages for single use.
  8. All equipment used in food service, if any, should be washed after each use and stored in a clean place until the next use.
  9. Arrangements that allow the implementation of personal hygiene rules such as washing hands with plenty of water and liquid soap for at least 20 seconds before and after eating and drinking and drying them with disposable towels should be made, and the continuity of these materials should be checked.
  10. The environment should be ventilated frequently by opening the door-window. It should be ensured that living room air conditioners and fans are not used.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviors

  1. Staff should behave in accordance with hand hygiene, mask and social distance rules. Appropriate personal protective equipment (disposable medical mask, cap, visor, gloves) should be used.
  2. Users must comply with hand hygiene, mask and social distance rules.
  3. Since the mask will be removed while eating and drinking in the tea room-resting areas, it should be ensured that there is not more than one person at the same time if the place is closed.
  4. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.



Precautions Taken Regarding Place

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, warning not to enter if the main symptoms of COVID-19 are present) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. Regular cleaning with water and detergent should be provided every day. During cleaning, especially frequently touched surfaces (door handles, telephone handsets, cabinet surfaces, table surfaces, etc.) should be cleaned at least twice a day and disinfected with 1/100 bleach and with 70% alcohol on surfaces where chlorine compounds are not suitable.
  3. In order to safely dispose of masks, at least one closed, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' on the pedal should be kept at the entrance and it should be checked at regular intervals and a hand sanitizer/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be present at the entrance/inside in suitable places.
  4. Seating arrangements must comply with the 1,5 meter social distance rule. Visual materials with warnings indicating the maximum student capacity of that classroom should be placed at the entrance of the classroom.
  5. Block classes should not be held and also to ventilate the environment, there should be a break of at least 10 minutes between classes, depending on the size of the hall and it should be ensured that living room air conditioners and fans are not used.
  6. In a case of COVID-19 emergence among the participants in the meetings with large participation, the meeting participants and seating rows in each hall should be recorded in order to inform the contacts retrospectively.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviors

  1. Staff and participants should enter wearing masks and this should be sustained inside.
  2. At the entrance of classrooms and halls, a staff member should be assigned to conduct mask and distance control, if possible.
  3. Social distance rules must be followed at the entrance and exit.
  4. Participants should not be allowed to consume beverages or food other than water.
  5. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.
  6. Employees should be given regular training within the scope of cleaning and protection. All employees should be able to use appropriate personal protective equipment.



Precautions Taken Regarding Place

  1. Posters containing the precautions to be taken regarding COVID-19 (such as hand washing, mask use, social distance, cleaning the flush toilet after using and closing the lid) should be hung at the entrance. Posters about hand washing steps should be hung near the sinks.
  2. There should be no missing materials in the toilets and liquid soap, toilet paper and paper towels should be available at all times.
  3.  If possible, toilet doors, water and soap bars should be able to be opened automatically by a photocell. If this is not possible, these areas should be wiped with 1/100 bleach.
  4. Floor of toilets, toilet bowl, urinals should be wiped frequently with 1/10 bleach; sink, faucet and faucet head, door handle should be wiped frequently with 1/100 bleach.
  5. Cleaning hours of toilets and sinks should be recorded and visibly posted.
  6. Hand drying fans should be turned off and left as out of use.
  7. Doors and windows should be opened and natural ventilation of the environment should be ensured frequently.
  8. Adequate number of toilets/sinks should be provided according to the number of employees in the facilities, and handwashing areas should be increased.
  9. If possible, there should be a sufficient number of closed, pedaled garbage bins in the toilet.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviors

  1. Personnel who will clean the toilet should use gloves, masks and glasses/visors. After cleaning, he/she should take off his/her mask and gloves and throw them in the closed trash bin and provide hand hygiene.
  2. Private workplace sinks/toilets in buffets/canteens should be closed to customers.



Measures Taken Regarding the Space

  1. Posters about the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance and warning not to enter if there are main symptoms of COVID-19) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. Temperature should be measured at the entrance, visitors and staff should be directed to the health institution if there are suspicious symptoms and contact tracing of COVID-19.
  3. Shared items should not be used, if common items are used, disinfection is required after each user, necessary personal materials should be taken, the working dates and hours of the personnel and the entry and exit dates and times of the service users should be recorded.
  4.  In order to safely dispose of the masks, at least one closed pedalled trash bin, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' and hand antiseptic/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be kept at the entrance/inside suitable places, they should be checked at regular intervals.
  5. Gymnasiums should be cleaned regularly every day. 1/100 diluted (half a small tea glass to 5 litres of water) bleach should be used for cleaning the surfaces that are touched frequently (such as door handles, telephone handsets, table surfaces, parts of sports equipment that are frequently touched by hands and body) in the cleaning of gyms. The surfaces of cash registers, computer keyboards, telephones and other devices where chlorine compounds are not suitable should be wiped with 70% alcohol and disinfected. Moist wiping and mopping should be preferred for cleaning floors and surfaces (Sweeping with dust-generating brushes should be avoided.) General cleaning should be done for one hour in the middle of the working hour before the customer is admitted.
  6. Sports activity increases droplet output and velocity. For this reason, arrangements should be made according to the highest possible distance, with a physical distance of at least 2 meters. Treadmill/bike etc. equipment should be placed at least 2 meters apart. To prevent crowding inside, a simple warning/blocker (a simple red coloured cord, strip, safe or a blocking material such as a plastic pontoon) should be placed on the outer door to prevent entry.
  7.  Sports that require close contact and group exercises and sports that are done as a team should not be done.
  8. Shower, locker room and sauna areas should not be used.
  9. Care should be taken not to keep newspapers, magazines, etc. for common use inside.
  10.  The environment should be ventilated frequently by opening the door-window. It should be ensured that living room air conditioners and fans are not used.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviours

  1.  Working personnel should be informed about the transmission routes and prevention measures of COVID-19. All staff must act in accordance with mask and social distance rules.
  2. Students and staff should continue to wear masks in the gym. Sports that require high effort can be done without a mask, as it can make breathing difficult.
  3. During the pandemic, indoor sports halls in dormitories should continue to work with limited students, with an appointment system, in a limited time. Students must abide by the appointment time.
  4. Gyms should include an explanation of their COVID-19 policies and booking procedures in their contracts with their members.
  5.  If there are 10 or more staff working in the workplace, a staff member responsible for COVID-19 protection measures should be assigned.
  6. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.



Precautions Taken Regarding Space

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, warning not to enter if the main symptoms of COVID-19 are present) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. Temperature should be measured at the entrance, visitors and staff should be directed to the health institution if there are suspicious symptoms and contact trace when questioned for COVID-19.
  3. Shared items should not be used, if common items are used, disinfection is required after each user, necessary personal materials should be taken, the working dates and hours of the personnel and the entry and exit dates and times of the service users should be recorded.
  4. In order to safely dispose of the masks, at least one closed pedalled trash bin, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' and hand antiseptic/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be kept at the entrance/inside suitable places, they should be checked at regular intervals.
  5. Attention should be paid to the distance between the lounge chairs.
  6. Cleaning, disinfection and routine controls of the pool and pool water should be carried out regularly in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Ministry of Health.
  7. Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces (such as faucets, shower mixers, door handles, table surfaces, sun loungers).
  8. Ease of access to water-liquid soap, availability and continuity of disposable paper towels should be provided within the facility.
  9. Cleaning methods that can generate aerosols such as dust-generating brushes, high-pressure water/chemical spraying should be avoided while cleaning in the facility.

Measures Taken Regarding Personnel | Visitor Behaviours

  1. Lifeguards should wear a face shield in addition to an FFP2/N95 mask whenever possible during resuscitation and first aid operations.
  2. All working personnel and visitors must use medical masks in accordance with the rule.
  3. If there are 10 or more staff working in the workplace, a staff member responsible for COVID-19 protection measures should be assigned.
  4. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.



Precautions Taken Regarding Space

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, and warning not to enter if there are main symptoms of COVID-19) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2. In order to safely dispose of the masks, at least one closed pedalled trash bin, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' and hand antiseptic/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be kept at the entrance/inside suitable places, they should be checked at regular intervals.
  3. Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces.
  4. Indoor air conditioners and ventilation systems should not be operated, doors and windows should be kept open and natural ventilation should be provided.
  5. Marking should be made on a suitable ground, 1.5 meters from each direction from the farthest points of each prayer area.
  6. Rosary, skullcap, lectern etc. which are in common use should be removed. The prayer rug should be personalized.
  7. Disposable paper towels should be used in places where ablution is taken. Since droplets may form during nose blowing or mouth gargling, as few people as possible should be present in the ablution area.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviours

  1. You should enter by wearing a mask and wear a mask inside.
  2. People who will come to the masjid should bring their personal prayer rugs or disposable prayer rugs should be provided from mufti offices.



Precautions Taken Regarding Space

  1. If there are symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, respiratory distress, etc. among the people to be taken into the service bus, these people should not be allowed to board the service by measuring their temperature.
  2. The rules to be followed regarding COVID-19 must be visibly hung inside the vehicle, and drivers and passengers must be ensured to comply with these rules.
  3. In order to maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters in the vehicle, the personnel using the service bus should sit by the windows in the right and left rows, starting from the back row in the order they are taken from the houses. After the glass edges are filled, the passengers should be seated in the aisles diagonally from the back to the front.
  4. Seats should be numbered, and it should be fixed which seat each person will use according to the order stated above.
  5. The recirculation button of the air conditioner must be closed. Windows should be opened at every suitable opportunity to clean the interior air of the bus.
  6. In each bus, after the tour is completed, frequently touched surfaces should first be wiped with a cloth with water and detergent, and then disinfected with 1/100 diluted bleach or 70% alcohol.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviours

  1. Arrangements should be made within the scope of maintaining social distance during getting on / off the vehicle and waiting in line.
  2. The vehicle driver and all passengers must wear masks.



Precautions Taken Regarding Space

  1. Posters regarding the measures to be taken within the scope of COVID-19 (hand washing, mask use, social distance, warning not to enter if the main symptoms of COVID-19 are present) should be hung in a visible place at the entrance.
  2.  In order to safely dispose of the masks, at least one closed pedalled trash bin, if possible, a black bag with the phrase 'mask and glove waste' and hand antiseptic/cologne containing at least 70% alcohol should be kept at the entrance/inside suitable places, they should be checked at regular intervals.
  3. Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces. Toys that need to be cleaned should be sorted into a container with soapy water or marked “dirty toys” and kept away from children. Toys that are difficult to clean should not be kept in playgrounds.
  4.  It should be questioned whether there is anyone in the family who has complaints similar to COVID-19 disease.
  5. Children should be supervised when using hand sanitizer due to the risk of swallowing.
  6.  If possible, the same students/children and the same staff should be present in the classrooms/group rooms every day.
  7. Families should not be included in the institution as much as possible.
  8. All children over the age of two should wear a mask if possible. If a mask cannot be worn during activities, a physical distance of at least 1.5-2 meters should be maintained, if possible, depending on the size of the environment. In order to reduce the contamination caused by situations such as speaking, coughing and sneezing, children should be prevented from sitting face-to-face and tables should be arranged so that they face the same direction. Beds in sleeping rooms should be at least 2 meters apart.
  9. Air conditioning and ventilation inside should not be operated, doors and windows should be kept open and natural ventilation should be provided.

Measures Taken Regarding Staff | Visitor Behaviours

  1. A school administrator responsible for COVID-19 should be appointed.
  2.  Students' clothes and masks should be changed during the day as necessary.
  3. All employees should wear masks and receive training on protection.
  4. Children should be educated within the scope of cleaning and protection.
  5. Hygiene rules should be followed in common areas such as sleeping rooms if any and playgrounds.
  6. Students should be helped during hand washing, and hand hygiene should be provided again after being helped.
  7. Care should be taken not to employ personnel with suspected COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, muscle pain, etc. Personnel with such symptoms should be directed to the health institution wearing a medical mask.




ESOGÜ Araştırma Çip Organ play

ESOGÜ Araştırma Çip Organ

29 January 2025

ESTEM-MEMS ve Doku Müh. Birimi Sorumlusu - Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü öğr. üyesi Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Avcı